
whoops. time to move?

One wonders if there is hope at all, for one as Swedish as me? If I move abroad, change my name? At least I have done the right thing and married a man who is...umm...one eighth German, and thereby saved my daughter from being totally Swedish...

I know they're serious about this, but I can't help but laugh. And at the same time, this is so sad. These are the kind of people that give Christians everywhere a bad name, since media loves to report about them. And thus, pastor Phelps does the atheists and Christianity haters a huge favor.

7 kommentarer:

Jeez sa...

oh, dear.

See them in hell then I guess. ;-)

Och roligt nog är min ordverifiering: witines

Nene sa...

Du har förstås rätt, det här får mig att tänka (som hedning då alltså) "pust, jag har i alla fall valat rätt lag, om det där är killarna i det andra".

Fanatiker världen över, likadana, lika lite förståelse.

Anonym sa...

Ja, vad ska man säga? Vi gör ju tydligen nånting rätt... :-)

Karaoke Rev sa...

Ah, the Reverend Phelps has expanded his hatred abroad. He is well known here for his protests and ridiculous rhetoric. Welcome to the club of filthy apostate rebels! You are in good company.

Axel Nydén sa...

Ses i helvetet då! Jag kunde inte låta bli att halvt skratta ihjäl mig när jag läste det där. Jag visste ju att Westborokyrkan var lite knasiga, men inte SÅ knäppa. Faktum är att

A: Äktenskapet har inte drivits igenom än. Men med absolut största sannolikhet kommer det att hända snart.
B: Kungen har, liksom med (i princip) alla beslut, ingenting alls med detta att göra.

Maria sa...

Karaoke rev: Isn't he one of yours? Denominationally, I mean? *grins evilly*
He has been pretty well known over here for a while too, ever since he claimed that the tsunami was punishment for Swedish sins (lots of Swedes died in it). Nice guy.

apbs sa...

well, isn't that nice?